预览模式: 普通 | 列表

vb.net 中功能强大的Tostring()


this.TextBox6.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("D");
this.TextBox7.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("d");

//2007年4月24日 16:30:15
this.TextBox8.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("F");
//2007年4月24日 16:30
this.TextBox9.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("f");

//2007-4-24 16:30:15
this.TextBox10.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("G");
//2007-4-24 16:30
this.TextBox11.Text = System.DateTime.Now.ToString("g");


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分类:技术文章 | 固定链接 | 评论: 0 | 引用: 0 | 查看次数: 443


Option Explicit
Private WithEvents NewTextBox As TextBox

Private Sub Command1_Click()
If NewTextBox Is Nothing Then
Set NewTextBox = Controls.Add("VB.TextBox", "cmdNew", Form1)
NewTextBox.Move 200, 200
NewTextBox.Width = Form1.Width - 450
NewTextBox.Height = Form1.Height - 1400
NewTextBox.Visible = True
End If
End Sub

Private Sub Command2_Click()
If NewTextBox Is Nothing Then
Exit Sub
Controls.Remove NewTextBox
Set NewTextBox = Nothing
End If
End Sub

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分类:技术文章 | 固定链接 | 评论: 0 | 引用: 0 | 查看次数: 399



Imports System.Threading Module Module1 Sub Main() '第一种:在Start中传递参数值,但方法中的参数类型需为object类型 Dim t1 As New Thread(AddressOf CountNumber) t1.Start(10) '第二种:通过Lambda表达式创建线程,可以传递任意的参数 Dim t2 As New Thread(Sub() PrintNumber(20) End Sub) t2.Start() '第三种:通过实例化类来传递参数,然后调用类方法 Dim c As New Count(10) Dim t3 As New Thread(AddressOf c.CountNumber) t3.Start() '第四种:通过传递类或结构,以达到向方法传递多个参数 Dim p As New Person() With { .FirstName = "严", .LastName = "查散" } Dim t4 As New Thread(AddressOf ShowName) t4.Start(p) Console.Read() End Sub '传递单个参数 Private Sub CountNumber(number As Object) Dim sum As Integer For i As Integer = 1 To Integer.Parse(number) sum += i Next Console.WriteLine(sum) End Sub '传递非object参数 Private Sub PrintNumber(number As Integer) Console.WriteLine(number) End Sub '把方法包装成类,在实例化时传递参数 Class Count Dim number As Integer Sub New(number As Integer) Me.number = number End Sub Public Sub CountNumber() Dim sum As Integer For i As Integer = 1 To Integer.Parse(number) sum += i Next Console.WriteLine(sum) End Sub End Class '传递一个类或结构达到传递多个参数 Private Sub ShowName(person As Object) Dim myPerson As Person = CType(person, Person) Console.WriteLine(myPerson.FirstName & myPerson.LastName) End Sub Class Person Public Property FirstName As String Public Property LastName As String End Class End Module

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分类:技术文章 | 固定链接 | 评论: 0 | 引用: 0 | 查看次数: 3030

