My Oh My歌词 水叮当合唱团

歌名:My Oh My 歌手: 水叮当合唱团
aqua - my oh my
aqua - my oh my
my oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
to have the kingdom baby, tell me why
my oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
to rule the country baby, you can i
if you were my king
my oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
to have the kingdom baby, tell me why
my oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
to rule the country baby, you can i
little princess in a terrible mess
a kingdom alone with no love to confess
dreams of a prince on a tall white horse
runs like a spirit by the castle walls
gotta steal from the rich when they don t know i m comin
gotta give to the poor, no time for lovin
my oh my, don t you cry cause there s no way i m stayin
i will leave, say bye bye , i m goin my way
my oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
to have the kingdom baby, tell me why
my oh my, do you wanna say goodbye
to rule the country baby, you can i


[本日志由 admin 于 2007-08-07 03:41 PM 编辑]
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